VAT registration

Posted by admin on 7 July 2011 | 0 Comments

HM Revenue & Customs are pressing businesses who may be liable to be registered for VAT but aren't to come forward. The article from BBC News goes on to explain that businesses who own up before 30th September could get reduced penalties for not registering and explains that
Businesses that send in a VAT registration form less than 12 months after the date on which they should have registered will not be charged a penalty, unless they wilfully avoided registering.
VAT law is possibly some of the most complicated law in the UK. While businesses are free to complete their own returns, we offer free VAT registration and can complete your returns online on your behalf. Timely and correctly. If you are unsure if you should of registered for VAT, we offer a free consultation where we can not only advise your VAT situation but look at your business as a whole, how to make it as profitable as possible and pay the legally lowest amount of tax possible. Contact us on 01543 468500 or use the enquiries tab at the top of the page.